I will answer, but first consider my Hoot of the Day: The WSJ says “Johnson is as conservative as anyone in the House.”

The House GOP’s Speaker Test
Please consider The House GOP’s Speaker Test by the WSJ editorial board.
Donald Trump on Monday endorsed Mike Johnson for another term as Speaker when the House votes to convene the 119th Congress on Friday, and that’s the smart move. The vote will test whether House Republicans are serious about governing or whether they’ll descend again into political masochism.
“Speaker Mike Johnson is a good, hard working, religious man. He will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN. Mike has my Complete & Total Endorsement,” Mr. Trump posted on his social-media site on Monday.
Mr. Johnson has earned re-election given his handling of the narrow GOP House majority and the impossible circumstances he inherited. A group of malcontents deposed Kevin McCarthy out of personal spite, and what did that accomplish? Nothing of substance we can see. Mr. Johnson was an almost accidental replacement after more prominent Members failed to get a majority.
But the man from Louisiana has quietly risen to the occasion. He listens to all factions in the riven GOP caucus. He’s as conservative as anyone in the House, but he’s also a student of the Constitution and a realist about the difficulty of legislating in the American system. You can’t always get what you want, but you try to get what you need—that is, the 218 votes to pass something.
The trouble is a rump, blow-it-all-up GOP faction that wants to make statements more than law. They’re threatening to take down Mr. Johnson, though they don’t have an alternative. Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie has declared that he’ll oppose Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Massie opposes just about everything. This means the Speaker has to keep everyone else on side if all Members are voting on Friday.
Defeating Mr. Johnson would send the House into disarray, and to what end? Some Members may be holding their votes in reserve to angle for some better committee post in return for voting yes. But that’s the trouble with the House GOP: Too many Members are looking out for themselves rather than the larger political good. And the narrow majority gives them more leverage than they deserve.
Let’s Not Be Idiotic
That Johnson was willing to go along with a preposterous 1,500 plus continuing resolution bill crafted by Democrats says all you need to know.
34 Republicans said no, making the claim idiotic.
Why the Editorial Board Likes Johnson
- Johnson supported more money for Ukraine
- Johnson supported more money for Israel
- Johnson supports more money for defense spending
- To get money for the above Johnson is willing to buy votes from Democrats, increasing deficits across the board.
Q1 of the Day: Why does Trump like Johnson?
Q1 Answer: Trump now believes Johnson will do whatever Trump says.
Team DOGE (Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy) are willing to go along with Johnson because Trump is. Otherwise, they would both be trashing Johnson.
Johnson vs McCarthy
In practice, Mike Johnson has proven to be much worse than Kevin McCarthy. I called that in advance.
Q2 of the Day: Seriously, is there no now one better than Johnson (who would take the job)?
Q2 Answer: What’s the definition of better?
If better means someone who will suck up to Trump no matter what Trump wants, then perhaps there is no one better.
Otherwise, pull a random Republican name out of the hat and you would likely be no worse off and perhaps much better off.
Since there is no requirement that the House Speaker be a member of the House, I would be better. So would 10,000 others.
Anyone willing to be a true fiscal conservative (on total spending, defense and non-defense) no matter what Trump says, would be better.
Republicans Punt on Third Down, Who Is to Blame?
On December 20, I noted Republicans Punt on Third Down, Who Is to Blame?
On the march to the goal line, Republicans decided to punt. After floating a nonsensical idea to go for three separate bills, Johnson decided to opt for a single bill to avoid a government shutdown.
Musk Comment
“The Speaker did a good job here, given the circumstances. It went from a bill that weighed pounds to a bill that weighed ounces. Ball should now be in the Dem court.”
Mercy! The record shows Johnson tried to pass a 1,500 page monstrosity. Then he failed a second time on a 116 page bill that included a hike in the debt ceiling.
Democrats were smart to approve this final versions and they voted unanimously to do so. That alone should tell you that it was not the optimum Republican strategy.
I stick with my assessment Dear Congress, Please Shut Down, There’s No Need to Address the Budget this Year
But on the march to the goal line, Republicans decided to punt.
Can DOGE Cut $2 Trillion Out of $1 Trillion? What About Revenue?
I keep retuning to the DOGE theme.
On December 27, I asked Can DOGE Cut $2 Trillion Out of $1 Trillion? What About Revenue?
The answer to the first question is obvious. So what about the second?
Click above for discussion.